30 Jul 2011

Little girl can't wait to be grown up

My dearest niece was trying out my heels
so cute that she can't even stand properly when she's in it
but she insist...
just like most of the girls do when they were little...
like i did try out my mum's every pair of heels as well
reminded me how sweet and pure when we were small
we were so perfect when we came to the earth
and we're just so curious about everything that happens here
and would love to try everything out!
small as shoes, big as life experiences...
just depends how much you're willing to try...or even to change...
and do you still keep the purest heart in you?

23 Jul 2011

Fullers from Britain

Organic Honey Dew
is just too good to finish it all....lol

13 Jul 2011


ever think about what protection really means?

there's always something that u'd want to protect
always something....
what if that's a "heart" you want to protect?

protect it from harm
protect it from damage
protect it from pain
protect it to be free

it's better not to talk about it
it's better not to change it
it's better not to disturb it
it's better just let it be

just to remember
how beautiful it is
how warm it is
how strong it is
and how much sweet things it's given me

keep breathing
keep beating
keep smiling
keep shining
and keep the faith in it....

keep it real....
as always

10 Jul 2011

Mud HotSpring In Tainan 關仔嶺溫泉

Came to Tainan 關仔嶺 for hotspring today
just becoz my cousin and I wanna get away from the city
so the best idea is HOTSRPING!!

This is where we go
so basically the hotspring here is actually mud

Look at the view.....nice....

Aww......feel so good....hope u guys can come join me tho...

It's called life, sometimes u just have to relax yourself a bit....
and be on your own too!
yeah me and my cousin took separate rooms!

Got free tea afterwards.

We had a wonderful dinner and got so full!
so delicious! especially that deep fried salt and papper shrimp!!
Just made our day

3 Jul 2011

Love Actually...

when you can share the joy together
when you can laugh so hard together
when you can enjoy the interests together
when you can explore your commons together

when you wanna be with him all the time
when you are afraid to lose the love
when you feel lonely while you're apart
when you find out it's unreplacable

it's pure
it's lovely
it's unforgettable
it's so reliable
and it's so unbelievable

if you feel the same as i do
you'll understand what love actually is......

but it's too hard to be apart
it's so easy to get used to it
then it would be so easy to forget
the moment that you're trying to remember...

2006/10/26 by Cherie

1 Jul 2011


La Chérie-Belgian fruity white beer
Miss Dior Chérie- Dior the fragrance
Ma Chérie- The haircare
Cherie Currie-Think you all know who she is

anymore? wanna show me some?