28 Jun 2011

something new...

few days ago, i deactivated my facebook account
coz all of the sudden i realized that how much time it's been taken from my normal life

feeling tired of posting things
tired of making comments
tired of checking in
tired of uploading pictures
tried of letting people know who i am and what i'm doing right now...

yeah so i just deactivated it!

feel alright!
actually it's quite a brilliant idea canceling it!

i get more thinkings
get more movements
get more real connections
and get more real talks.....i guess

but something camp up to my mind
that i should do something different this time if i'm coming back to facebook
the social network is useful tho...
anyway...haven't sort out anything yet....
might still leave facebook behind....
gotta concentrate on what i'm going to do at the moment!!
should be awesome!

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